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Fun Reading and Writing Resources

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English, Language Arts, Literature, Reading




English, Language Arts, Literature, Reading
Fire Station Word Search

Fire Station Word Search

Fire Station Word Search Puzzle. Great for Fire Safety week. Fun word search puzzle all about things you find in a fire station. Color and Black and white ink friendly word search puzzle that your students will love. Includes 32 different words related to Fire Stations. Includes solution. Thanks and enjoy! Terms included are: Alarm Boots Bunker Chief Dalmatian Dispatch Dorms Engine Equipment Extinguisher Firefighter Flashlights Foam Garage Gear Gloves Helmet Hook Hose Jacket Ladder Mask Nozzle Pager Pole Radio Rope Siren Tools Truck Turntable Valves Fire Safety Week| Fire Stations | Fire Fighters | Printables | Worksheets | Word Search | Puzzle
Leap Year PowerPoint

Leap Year PowerPoint

Leap Year PowerPoint. Find out what leap year is and how leap year is figured. Includes a link to a short video explaining the scientific reasoning behind leap year, and 29 fun activities to do on Leap Day! Enjoy! - Greg Smith
Honor Roll Award Cerificate

Honor Roll Award Cerificate

Honor Roll Award Certificate. Simply type in the information in this Publisher award certificate, print and go. Great for the end of the year. - Greg Smith
Behavior ABC

Behavior ABC

Behavior ABC Forms - Assessment, Brainstorm, and Change. Use these behavior forms as part of your classroom management plan. Best for upper elementary and middle grades. When behavior is unacceptable, student will complete the first form to make an ASSESSMENT of the situation. After you read the description, have the student fill out the second form to BRAINSTORM all the problems and negative effects this behavior caused or could cause. Finally, the student needs to fill out the form CHANGE to come up with a plan on how not to have it happen again. This form is signed and taken home to be signed by parent. There is also room for teacher and parent comments.
Daily Lesson Planner EDITABLE

Daily Lesson Planner EDITABLE

Daily Lesson Planner - EDITABLE. All set up, just type in what you want. Drop down menu for the date. Includes boxes for objectives or standards, information and essential questions, activating strategies or assessments, activity, and summary. Nice professional looking format. - Greg Smith
Thanksgiving Cootie Catcher

Thanksgiving Cootie Catcher

Thanksgiving Cootie Catcher. Enjoy this classic game to build a sense of gratitude and thankfulness. Great activity for the last day before Thanksgiving break, or use it on Thanksgiving Day at home with the kids and family. Now includes two different cootie catchers! Activities are fun for all - such as "Describe your favorite Thanksgiving memory." or "If you could invite anyone to Thanksgiving dinner, who would it be?" Great conversation starters to use when everyone is gathered waiting for the Thanksgiving feast. Happy Thanksgiving! - Greg Smith
Foldables for Interactive Notebooks

Foldables for Interactive Notebooks

Foldables for Interactive Notebooks - How to Create Foldables for Interactive Notebooks. Step-by-step directions on how to fold paper for eleven different foldables that you can use in interactive notebooks.
Growth Mindset Posters

Growth Mindset Posters

Get your students motivated and inspired with these Growth Mindset posters. 7 different posters, each in color and black and white. Includes a beautiful "I Have A Growth Mindset" tree, "Try Thinking...Instead of...", and five posters with inspirational messages. I hope these posters will be motivational reminders for your students to keep trying and never give up. Size 81/2 x 11. You may enlarge if you wish. Great for centers or hang by computers or other work areas. Thank you. - Greg Smith
End of the Year Awards

End of the Year Awards

nd of the Year Awards. Editable in PowerPoint for your needs. Includes a blank award so you can fill in what you wish, and ready made awards designed for middle school for the following subjects: Language Arts Math Social Studies Science Art Band Orchestra Preforming Arts Chorus Physical Education Technology Computer Science Keyboarding Health Family and Consumer Sciences Home Economics Career Exploration Spanish French German Latin STEM Academic Bowl Reading Bowl All slides and all sections of the slides are editable so you can customize however you want. I hope you enjoy these and that you had a great year! - Greg Smith